Thursday, May 16, 2013

Technology in Education
Nowadays the use of technology has spread around the world. It's used in different fields such as business, medicine, politics, science and education. But, how is technology used in education? What are the benefits of technology? Does it have disadvantages or challenges? Can we use technology in the future properly? All these questions will be discussed here.
Technology can be used both in teacher- directed learning and student-directed learning. First, the teacher can use technology as supplemental support in the classroom (Smaldino et al, 2012). For example, the teacher first explains the lesson and then shows them a video related to the topic of that lesson or might be the other way around; i.e. the teacher shows the video as a warm-up and then starts the lesson. The effectiveness of the technology depends on the teacher. Accordingly, Wittich & Fowlkes (1946, as cited in Smaldino et al, 2012) found that when the teacher used a film and related it to the learning objectives, the students gained more information from the film. I agree with this because if the teacher doesn't state the aim of the thing (a video, film…etc) he\she uses, students will get lost or simply they don't know why they are watching that video or film!
Watch this video to know about the reasons behind using technology in classroom.
Regarding student- directed learning; it can be through distance learning where students can access the course from home without the teacher. An example for this is E-learning that we have at SQU. We can find the materials and do quizzes online. Also, technology could be used in classroom where the teacher asks them to design something but still it's student-directed because they do it by their own. Students also can do their assignments or projects and search for the information they need through technology.
Moreover, Donely (2012) said, " Social networking is a great example of technology that can help— or hinder — education, depending on how it is used and integrated into teaching plans". Yes, social networking like face book or Twitter may distract students if they are used in classroom or they may be used as a tool of bulling. However, we can get benefits from them at the same time. For example, in our class, we could successfully use Whatsapp for discussing an educational topic. Also, students can share their ideas which is another way of collaborating work. There are many other benefits of using technology in education. First, students usually learn more in less time and like the class when they have computer-based instruction, as James Kulik (Wikipedia) has found. Second, technology makes the learning process easier. For instance, the teacher can summarize a lesson through mapping i.e. "Concept maps are graphic tools for organizing and illustrating knowledge. They show relationships between different concepts", as we have taken this definition last semester. The following pictures show examples of mapping


Moreover, as we mentioned in our tech-class that technology enhances student's motivation. From my experience in teaching practice, I saw that my students enjoyed the lesson when I used OHP, so how will they feel if we use other technologies! For example, I may create a webQuest for them and assess them through it. I and my friend have already created a WebQuest. Click here to see it.
Although technology has all these benefits, it can be a challenge in classroom as we have discussed in technology class. How is that?
#The teacher might not know how to use it, so every time the teacher uses technology he\she bring a technician with him\her. Of course this will consume time.
# Also, sometimes the schools don't have technology. For instance, the school that I went to this semester has neither OHP nor proxima. The Ministry of Education should provide these devices at schools because teachers need them, hopefully they will do soon.
#There is no time to use technology because teachers are forced to finish the curriculum.
Here are some suggestions to be able to use technology properly at classrooms in the future:
# The government should provide different technological devices in all the schools of the Sultanate.
# There should be technician specialist in each school so that if any of the devices doesn't work, he repairs it immediately.
# Teachers should have a workshop on the use of technology.
# Students should be taught about danger use of technology such as bulling.
Donley, M. 2012.Technology's influence on Education. The Tech Issue: 15. Retrieved 14,May,2013, from: technologys-influence-on-education-76874.aspx
 Smalodino. S, Lowther. D and Russell. J (2012). Instructional Technology and Media for Learning. (10th ed.). USA: Pearson.
Wikipedia. N.d. Retrieved 14,May,2013, from: wiki/Educational_technology

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